Ultreza DBC Dye-Bath Conditioner having sequestering, dispersing and levelling properties required for reactive dyeing.
Ultreza RLA Reactive Leveling agent having excellent electrolyte stability required for cotton dyeing.
Ultreza DISP Dispersing agent for complete dispersion of disperse dyes in polyester dyeing.
Ultreza LP Leveling agent for Polyester dyeing.
Ultreza DLP Dispersing and Leveling agent for Polyester dyeing.
Ultreza LAN Leveling Agent for Nylon dyeing.
Ultreza CPD Carrier for Polyester dyeing.
Ultreza DALP Diffusion Accelerator and Leveling for Polyester dyeing.
Ultreza LMC Levelling agent for 1:2 metal complex dyes in the dyeing of wool, silk & nylon.
Ultreza PES Polyester levelling agent not only covers the barriness but also promotes the migration thereby achieving level dyeings.
Ultreza CRA Cationic Retarding Agent for use with cationic dyestuffs in the dyeing of acrylic fibres.
Ultreza ABS Anti back staining agent for denim.