Sequestering Agents
Neoquest HRS Hardness Removing Sequesterant for chelating Iron and calcium present in water.
Neoquest PCS Protective Colloidal Sequesterant having in-built levelling properties for uniform dyeing.
Neoquest USP Universal Sequesterant Polymer having hardness removing and protective colloidal properties.

Wetting Agents
Versetol WPD Wetting and penetrating agent for cotton denim processing.
Versetol NHT Anionic wetting and swelling agent suitable for all stages of wet processing.
Versetol DAW Deaerating and wetting agent for all stages of wet processing.

Detergents/Scouring Agents
Evosurf NDC Non-ionic Detergent for Cellulosic having very good emulsifying properties required for scouring.
Evosurf DLF Detergent Low-Foaming having very good wetting, emulsifying and re-wetting properties for scouring cellulosic.
Evosurf ZFD Zero Foaming Detergent, free from silicones, having very good wetting, emulsifying and re-wetting properties, especially designed for Jet/high turbulence machines.
Evosurf ASD Alkaline Stable Detergent for alkaline boiling-off and de-sizing of woven fabrics.
Evosurf OSR Oil stain remover for degreasing and removal of stubborn stains from cellulosic fibres.
Evosurf NDSR Non-ionic Detergent cum Stain Remover for cellulosics and polyester & their blends in woven and knitted form.

Protozyme ADS Amylase Desizing Enzyme for removal of starch on cellulosic.
Protozyme BWA Bio-Washing Acid enzyme for finishing of woven cotton and denim garments.
Protozyme BWN Bio-Washing Neutral enzyme for finishing of woven cotton and denim garments.

Dispersing and Leveling Agents
Ultreza DBC Dye-Bath Conditioner having sequestering, dispersing and levelling properties required for reactive dyeing.
Ultreza ABS Anti back staining for denim processing.

Neutrassist CAN Core Alkali Neutralizer to be used for neutralization of fabrics.
Neutrassist AAS Acetic Acid Substitute, for all stages of wet-processing.

Washing-Off Agents
Evoran DSP Dispersing, Sequestering Polymeric washing-off agent that removes unfixed/hydrolyzed reactive dyes & prevents back-staining.

Lubatex SEW Sewability improver for textile fabrics.

Finishing Agents
Invasoft CS Cationic softener for premium softness for all types of fibers.
Invasoft PWE Polyethylene wax emulsion for improving the tear-strength, tensile-strength and abrasion resistance properties.

Silicone Softeners
Invasoft DAF Di-amino Functional Silicone for all types of woven and knitted fabrics.
Invasoft MAF Mono-amino Functional Silicone for soft, silky handle on all types of fabric.
Invasoft SAR Silicone Amino Reactive, having dual properties of softness and lubricity.
Invasoft JSS Jet Stable Silicone for super soft handle having resin compatibility & shear stability.
Invasoft SRS Soil Release Silicone to provide soft, silky and full handle to fabrics treated with fluorocarbon soil release agents.
Invasoft EPS Epoxy Polyether Silicone for hydrophilicity and lubricity.

Specialty Softeners
Invasoft CSPE Cationic Speciality softener for inner softness and improving abrasion resistance properties of dyed fabrics.
Invasoft CSSD Cationic Speciality silicone softener for inner softness and bouncy feel on dyed fabrics.