Sequestering Agents
Neoquest HRS Hardness Removing Sequesterant for chelating Iron and calcium present in water.

Wetting Agents
Versetol WAA Wetting Agent Anionic for rapid penetration in fabric.
Versetol NPA Nonionic Penetrating agent used for wetting in all stages of processing.
Versetol NHT Anionic wetting and swelling agent suitable for all stages of wet processing.
Versetol DAW Deaerating and wetting agent for all stages of wet processing.

Detergents/Scouring Agents
Evosurf ADSR Anionic detergent cum Stain Remover for one bath scouring and bleaching of cotton woven and knit fabric.
Evosurf OSR Oil stain remover for degreasing and removal of stubborn stains from cellulosic fibres.
Evosurf NDSR Non-ionic Detergent cum Stain Remover for cellulosics and polyester & their blends in woven and knitted form.

Dispersing and Leveling Agents
Ultreza DISP Dispersing agent for complete dispersion of disperse dyes in polyester dyeing.
Ultreza LP Leveling agent for Polyester dyeing.
Ultreza DLP Dispersing and Leveling agent for Polyester dyeing.
Ultreza LAN Leveling Agent for Nylon dyeing.
Ultreza CPD Carrier for Polyester dyeing.
Ultreza DALP Diffusion Accelerator and Leveling for Polyester dyeing.
Ultreza LMC Levelling agent for 1:2 metal complex dyes in the dyeing of wool, silk & nylon.
Ultreza PES Polyester levelling agent not only covers the barriness but also promotes the migration thereby achieving level dyeings.
Ultreza CRA Cationic Retarding Agent for use with cationic dyestuffs in the dyeing of acrylic fibres.

Neutrassist ABD Acid Buffer cum Dispersant, to be used in polyester dyeing.
Neutrassist UBS Universal Buffer having excellent buffering capacity required for Synthetics.
Neutrassist ADN Acid Donor having excellent buffering capacity required for Nylon dyeing.
Neutrassist AAS Acetic Acid Substitute, for all stages of wet-processing.

Washing-Off Agents
Evoran RC-ALK Reduction Clearing agent after dyeing/ printing on polyester in alkaline medium.
Evoran RC-ACD Reduction Clearing agent for disperse dyeing in acidic medium.
Evoran SAN Soaping agent for dyeing & printing on nylon, wool & silk.
Evoran SPP Soaping agent for polyester prints.

Dye-Fixing Agents
Verofixan FAN Fixing agent for nylon.
Verofixan LAP Fixation accelerator for prints on polyester with disperse dyes when fixing with superheated steam.

Lubatex YL Yarn lubricant for improving gliding properties of bleached/dyed yarns.
Lubatex STL Thread lubricant for kiss roll application on yarns/threads.

Finishing Agents
Invasoft NS Cationic softener for premium softness for all types of fibers.
Invasoft ES Elastomeric Softener for producing full and bulky handle on synthetics.
Invasoft PWE Polyethylene wax emulsion for improving the tear-strength, tensile-strength and abrasion resistance properties.

Silicone Softeners
Invasoft MAF Mono-amino Functional Silicone for soft, silky handle on all types of fabric.
Invasoft SAR Silicone Amino Reactive, having dual properties of softness and lubricity.
Invasoft SRS Soil Release Silicone to provide soft, silky and full handle to fabrics treated with fluorocarbon soil release agents.
Invasoft NYS Non-yellowing Silicone softener for bleached/white fabrics.
Invasoft EPS Epoxy Polyether Silicone for hydrophilicity and lubricity.

Specialty Softeners
Invasoft NSPE Non-ionic Speciality softener for inner softness and improving tear strength and tensile strength of white fabrics.
Invasoft CSPE Cationic Speciality softener for inner softness and improving abrasion resistance properties of dyed fabrics.
Invasoft NSSW Non-ionic Speciality silicone softener for inner softness and surface feel on white fabrics.
Invasoft ESSY Elastomeric Silicone softener for producing full and bulky feel on polyester and nylon.

Optical Brightening Agents
Stalwphor PR OBA for polyester fibres to impart reddish shade.
Stalwphor PN OBA for polyester fibres to impart neutral shade.
Stalwphor PB OBA for polyester fibres to impart bluish shade.
Stalwphor PAR OBA for polyamide fibres to impart reddish shade.
Stalwphor PAN OBA for polyamide fibres to impart neutral shade.
Stalwphor PAB OBA for polyamide fibres to impart bluish shade.

Printing Chemicals
Stalwprint SPT Synthetic printing thickener.
Stalwprint PPT Pigment printing thickener.
Stalwprint PPB Low formaldehyde Pigment printing Binder.
Stalwprint FB APEO free and formaldehyde free acrylic emulsion.
Stalwprint PPS Softening agent for pigment printing for soft handle.
Stalwprint CL-NF Formaldehyde free cross-linking agent, applicable for OEKO TEX.
Stalwprint CL-LF Formaldehyde based cross linking agent.
Stalwprint KB APEO free Khadi with excellent elasticity.