Invasoft CS Cationic softener for premium softness for all types of fibers.
Invasoft NS Non-ionic softener for non-yellowing effects on whites.
Invasoft ES Elastomeric Softener for producing full and bulky handle on synthetics.
Invasoft TTS Terry towel softener for inner softness and absorbency.
Invasoft PWE Polyethylene Wax Emulsion for improving the tear-strength, tensile-strength and abrasion resistance properties.
Invasoft DAF Di-amino Functional Silicone for all types of woven and knitted fabrics.
Invasoft MAF Mono-amino Functional Silicone for soft, silky handle on all types of fabric.
Invasoft SAR Silicone Amino Reactive, having dual properties of softness and lubricity.
Invasoft JSS Jet Stable Silicone for super soft handle having resin compatibility & shear stability.
Invasoft SRS Soil Release Silicone to provide soft, silky and full handle to fabrics treated with fluorocarbon soil release agents.
Invasoft NYS Non-yellowing Silicone softener for bleached/ white fabrics.
Invasoft HYS Hydrophilic silicone softener for soft handle on terry towels.
Invasoft EPS Epoxy Polyether Silicone for hydrophilicity and lubricity.
Invasoft NSPE Non-ionic Speciality softener for inner softness and improving tear strength and tensile strength of white fabrics.
Invasoft CSPE Cationic Speciality softener for inner softness and improving abrasion resistance properties of dyed fabrics.
Invasoft NSSW Non-ionic Speciality silicone softener for inner softness and surface feel on white fabrics.
Invasoft CSSD Cationic Speciality silicone softener for inner softness and bouncy feel on dyed fabrics.
Invasoft ESSY Elastomeric Silicone softener for producing full and bulky feel on polyester and nylon.
Invasoft HSTT Hydrophilic Speciality softener for increasing hydrophilicity and imparting super softness on terry towels.